Swedish artist Marisol Evora, who lives in Spain, interviewed Miriam Montenegro for her Artist Spotlight series. Each question is first in English, then (in blue) in German.
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I have a big passion for color and am always looking for its greatest possible effect. Bright, vibrant color combinations have a direct impact on perception and emotion. With them I want to give energy and convey positivity – preferably with oil and acrylic paints.
Even in my job as a button designer, it was always about the effect of structures, materials and surfaces. I have kept up playing with contrasts of material, color, finish and structures. So I like to give plastic waste (e.g. from coffee bags, chocolate foil or cosmetic packaging) a new life in my artworks. In doing so, I keep realizing how beautiful things can be that are made to be thrown away and how little you need for creative expression.
I’m in recording mode all the time. Places and people that surround me, sensory impressions or just things that fall into my hands inspire me.
Photo: Henny Monzel-Ellermann